Why Ham Radio?

Reaching Out

Bruce VanBuskirk KM6WBI
Jack Sklar KM6UNQ

Amateur radio is a great way to connect with people across the country and all around the world.  Since the early 20th century, ham operators have been building radios and antennas to reach the far ends of the earth. Making these contacts creates new friendships that can last a lifetime.  You can build your own amateur station and have free communications completely off the grid without any other network support.

Also enjoy radio contests with a club or on your own to see how many contacts you are able to achieve in a designated time. Contesting or DXing is a fun way to push your radio skills and equipment to the limit. Other events such as city parades, marathons, bike races, boating and off road exploring etc., all still use amateur radio for reliable communications.

Emergency Comms

Power Outage? No Problem

When communications are down, Ham operators are still around! In the event of a disaster, it is likely normal communication including cell phones may be down. Having your license and radio at hand will keep you in the know of what’s going on around you. Because most HAM stations are set up to run on auxiliary power and batteries, they are efficient for operating during power outages. Connect with other licensed family members and friends to give, or get assistance if needed. GOTAhams can help hone your skills as a HAM radio operator to prepare you for such an event. Join our monthly meetings to learn what’s new in amateur radio and get connected with other operators. Participating in our Nighty Roundtable Net evenings at 8pm (PT) is a sure way of knowing your equipment is working properly and reaching out. If you are new to the hobby, we can help you get familiar with your equipment and learn radio protocol.  The members of GOTAhams will help you become a vital amateur radio operator that could someday help save lives!

Here are a few interesting links,

What is Ham Radio? explained from “Across the Pond”

An award winning explanation of “What is Ham Radio?” (mp3)

Amateur Radio Disaster Preparedness

From 1970… A really fun “Film”

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