Leadership Team

Clicking on a name/call will bring up that person’s QRZ.com page. We recommend that all of our members edit/create their personal QRZ.com page to post an accessible email address and share selected personal information with the Amateur Radio community.

The GOTAhams “WG6OTA” QRZ page


President: Ken Mixon KC6WOK

Vice President: Dave Wilkie K6EV

Secretary: Tim Adams N6DLC

Treasurer: Jack Sklar W6BZZ

Member at Large: TBD

Member at Large: Michael Harwick KN6HHW



Goat Notes Newsletter Editor: Ken Campbell N6PCD

Net Control Coordinator: Bruce Van Buskirk KM6WBI

Net Topic Coordinator: Dave Wilkie K6EV

Club call sign trustee: Ken Mixon KC6WOK

Website Content Editor: Michael Harwick KN6HHW

Simplex Net Coordinator: Erik Dlugajczyk KN6NRQ

2024 Field Day Coordinator: Jason Welday KJ6RTA

Youth & Outreach Coordinator: Michael Harwick KN6HHW

Radio in the Park Hospitality: Jere Neal KN6PED

Elmering in the Park Coordinator: Dave Wilkie K6EV