Everyone seems to have different methods of learning and way they retain information. Hams are no exception and fortunately there are LOTS of available sources. Lets look at the many study options for you to choose from:
Our Amateur Radio Relay League (ARRL) offers books, study guides,
Learning Center (arrl.org)
ARRL | Licensing, Education & Training
Studying for a Technician License (arrl.org)
Studying for the General License (arrl.org)
Studying for an Extra License (arrl.org)
Instruction: Teaching and Study Aids (arrl.org)
W5YI : Resources for Amateur & Commercial Radio
Ham Instructors W5YI
My Personal favorite is the “Syllabus” method
AD7FO Study Guides for Students and Instructors

How about some practice testing?
HamStudy.org: Cutting edge amateur radio study tools
Exam Practice (arrl.org)
Practice Amateur Radio Exams by QRZ Ham Radio
Ham Exams – eHam.net
There are some paid options, I’ll include one that supplies “Flash Cards”. Kathi KD6CAF used this method to practice for her Extra exam and they worked well for her. As I stated before, Each of us learn differently so you will have to find a method that works best.
Flashcards by Mometrix Test Preparation (paid)
Another great option especially for “Visual Learners” is Video presentations (YouTube)
The first offering is from our personal Friend and Club Advocate Dave Casler:
Technician Class Ham License – (dcasler.com)
General Class Ham License – (dcasler.com)
Amateur Extra Class Ham License — (dcasler.com)
Our next video option is a Southern California Ham Radio YouTuber Ham Radio Crash Course:
Get Your Technician Amateur License! – YouTube
Get Your General Amateur Radio License! – YouTube
There are MANY other options on YouTube, I don’t believe I should include them here as I cannot evaluate all the options. Simply search YouTube using terms like “Ham Radio Study”, “Ham Radio Test”, “Amateur Radio License” You get the Idea and use your judgement. there are LOTs of poorly presented videos so be VERY Selective.
Good Luck in your Amateur Radio journey. Please bring us any questions you may have. We will do our best to answer it or find you an “Elmer” to assist you.