
There are many ways to “log” your contacts, paper logging, software logging or on-line logging sites typically a combination of these is the latest method. For contesting you will usually be required to submit a log (in Cabrillo format) to the sponsor of a particular contest, an example is to the ARRL for their “ARRL Field Day” (not a contest?)

There are many software programs that log your contacts, will create a Cabrillo file and may even submit it directly to the proper sponsor.

DX Dozer

The Best Ham Radio Logbook ever (dxdozer.com)


N1MM Logger Plus
N1MM Logger is the world’s most popular ham radio contest logging program. For CW, phone and digital modes, its combination of contest-optimized features is unmatched.

Ham Radio Deluxe

Ham Radio Deluxe Software, The Radio Amateur's Best Asset, Logger Digital Modes Satellite Rig Rotor
Ham Radio Deluxe a Complete Ham Radio suite including rig controls and many special “Modes” built in


Serving the Amateur Radio community with contesting and general logging software since 1997.

Logging with N3FJP

N3FJP (far more than just logging software) Use the AC log offered within the N3FJP software package or purchase it separately.

Ham Radio Log Software : Log program for ham radio log books software (dxzone.com)

There are several QSL databases. Some post awards for “Worked All States” (WAS), Worked all Counties etc.

Log Book Of The World

Logbook of The World
Logbook of The World (LoTW) is a tool to confirm ham radio contacts and use the confirmations as credit toward awards.


QRZ, You can check out some of our GOTAhams members awards on their QRZ page N6DLC and K6EV look up their “Awards” tab and see just how busy they have been on the bands!


Welcome to Logger32, a 32-bit Amateur Radio logging program written by Bob Furzer, K4CY

DXLab (dxlabsuite.com)

The DXLab Suite is a free set of applications that support DXing activities

XMLog – Amateur Radio Logbook System

XMLog is an amateur radio logbook system for Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8 and 10.
There is no charge for using XMLog


Look at the “Netlogger” for logging your nets and sharing it in near Real Time

This is merely a short list, I will keep adding to this page as time permits, for suggestions, complaints, rants etc. email me at kc6wok@gmail.com