Monthly Simplex Nets


The Monthly Simplex net is hosted by Erik KN6NRQ on 146.580MHz.  A great way to explore the reach of your 2 meter equipment without benefit of repeater, both receiving and transmitting. Bring a pad of paper and record signal reports for all the stations you hear during initial check-in. Erik will collect and collate these during round 2 from each operator and the results are published to participants afterwards.  Use this scale for your reports:

1=Nothing at all heard, not even noise or hiss suggesting a specific signal is present.

2=It was apparent that a signal was present but communication is impossible even with reasonable re-tries.

3=Communication possible with noise and possibly some re-tries to cover drop outs.

4=Good communication though with some noise or other artifacts, but generally solid copy.

5=Solid copy, little or no noise, full or nearly full quieting.

We strongly suggest you open your squelch up all the way and put up with the noise as this is be best way to be assured that you hear the weaker signals.  Be patient during silences as there will probably be participants you cannot hear and net control is likely communicating with those stations during silences.