The Great Shakeout

The Great ShakeOut is an International earth quake drill, to practice and prepare for a earthquake. This takes place every year on the Third Thursday in October. This year it will be on October 17th.California will start the drill at 10:17am KN6HHW will announce a simulated earthquake on the air. Practice “Drop, Cover, and Hold On.”At 10:18am a practice emergency net will begin on the WG6OTA repeater.We will first do check-ins on the repeater. After everyone has checked in Net control will call each station in order to get a report of:
  1. How strong was the simulated quake felt on a scale of 1 to 10.
  2. Any simulated damage to report.
  3. Are you on normal or back-up power.

When giving your report or a relay start by saying “this is my simulated report” and end your transmission with your call sign “and this is just a drill”

The Great ShakeOut website.


The event is finished.


Oct 17 2024