Helping hams Get-On-The-Air and keeping the amateur radio community radio active!
Field Day 2019
The Radiowavz Off Center Fed Di-pole was the best overall performer. We made a contact with Illinois, our farthest contact on field day. We will have some further discussions about what seemed to work and things we may want to change. Overall we seemed to do well for our first time out as a new Radio Club. The GOTAhams were well fed, it was the social event that we planned for and our “Emergency Power” being purely Solar was silent, No generator noise, fumes or refueling. All these things add up to a very successful event and it is already time to plan for the next one.
Field day Station equipment
Our main Station @ WG6OTA 2A-LAX
Station 1 (contest station) radio= Icom IC-7300 connected to a MFJ Deluxe Versa Tuner II model MFJ-959 fed by a RadioWavz DX-80-OCF dipole (hopefully some other options as well) Powered by the battery bank in the GOTAhome charged by our 530 watts of solar array. Plans are to connect a laptop for digital modes, and a MFJ-464 Keyer/Reader for CW with a Bencher paddle and a keyboard for a CW cheater.
Station 2: FT991A
For station 2 we chose the FT991A for it multi-band capability, spectrum scope, ease of use, etc.
Gota Station equipment
For our Gota station we chose our IC-7100 connected to a LDG auto-tuner feeding a G5RV antenna.