ALL are welcome! This is a wonderful opportunity for new and aspiring hams to experience the realities of operating and to see a wide variety of equipment in a way that is much more interesting than the radio showroom or a catalog. We have a lot of interaction between new and experienced ham and all learn something and enjoy the time.
“GOTA” is an acronym for Get On The Air. That is what we formed this club to do. We identify locations to set up multiple portable HF radio stations and Get On The Air. While doing so we engage with fellow members, aspiring hams and the general public. We have many curious visitors and some become interested in our hobby. We emphasize safety and welcome to all and we try to include activities that engage the entire family – not just the ham operators. Members often bring food or snacks and the atmosphere is often that of a family picnic – but with neat radios and antennas.
We do have monthly club meetings to take care of business and we try to include interesting presentations. But we did not want to be a club that limited itself to sitting in that room listening to Club Officers drone on. We try to emphasize the ‘active’ in radio-active ham radio and even our meetings include a shared meal at a restaurant and a good opportunity for members to socialize before, during and after.
Our park activities are usually on the third Saturday of each month, but check the calendar/schedule for the latest plans. We sometimes adjust dates to allow for holidays or special event activities. In June we often let our major annual Field Day activity stand in for Radio In The Park. We rotate park locations throughout the area.
Larkin Park, Claremont

Las Flores Park, La Verne

Cedar Creek Park, Eastvale

San Dimas Canyon Park, San Dimas

The photos below are from Saturday, September 21st 2019, @ San Dimas Canyon Park in San Dimas. We set up a Yaesu FT-991A with a diamond VHF/UHF antenna on a paint pole, and a Wolf River Coils portable HF antenna. The other station was a Icom IC-7300 using a G5RV jr. supported by a Camo pole mast. This was a “New Jersey QSO party weekend” so lots of activity, but it was just as fun to socialize with other hams, talk about what we are doing with our shacks, what homebrew projects are on the bench or maybe just what movies we saw or what the weather is like.