Our New Marconi Net

The WG6OTA repeater will be linked to the GB3IW repeater on the Isle of Wight. Saturday, August 10th, at 12 noon.

Guglielmo Marconi experienced some of his early radio successes from the Isle of Wight including the first recorded contact with a ship at sea. Later, of course, he was successful in connecting the U.K. and U.S. by radio.

The Marconi Net is a cooperation between GOTAhams and the Isle of Wight Radio Society, UK. We will celebrate the fellowship between UK and US hams with the MARCONI NET. The WG6OTA repeater on Sunset Ridge, North of Claremont, in Southern California, will be linked to the GB3IW repeater, near Cowes, on the Isle of Wight, in the UK. The KS7MC repeater (Spirit Mountain Amateur Radio Club) in Fort Mohave Arizona may also be linked during these nets. These are open repeaters, and we welcome guests. As usual, we encourage all participants to completely ignore (do not acknowledge in any way) any intentional interference during this or any other net.

The net will always start at 19:00 UTC (which is 12 noon in California and Arizona and 8pm in the Cowes, UK during the summer). The net start time is specified in UTC time to avoid any confusion as U.S. Daylight Savings Time and British Summer Time change on different weekends. (In the Winter it will be; 11am in California, 12pm in Arizona, and 7pm in Cowes, UK)

No special radio programming is required, just access the WG6OTA repeater as usual and it will be linked to GB3IW.

Keep transmissions to less than 2 minutes and allow time for a FULL carrier drop (by the repeater) between transmissions. We do ask that participants pay special attention to avoid time outs.

For information about the clubs, please check out their respective web sites at:

For information about the net, contact: Bill Appleton, KF4MCG at kf4mcg@hotmail.com
See the maps below for information on the locations of WG6OTA and GB3IW.

Approximately 5,425 miles between repeaters.